Compliance Audit & Action Plan

Compliance Audit & Action Plan - A comprehensive review

We understand there are a lot of National Laws and Regulations to get your head around, and you only have a limited amount of time. Are you confident you have everything covered? During this audit we assess every room including the office, laundry, kitchen, bathrooms  and outdoor area to check you’re complying with the National Law and all the Regulations, including those which only apply in your State or Territory or your type of Service.

Feel confident

We look at  things like your policies, procedures, record keeping, documentation,  displays, authorisations, ratios,  staffing practices  and environment  plus a whole lot more to ensure you’re meeting all requirements and there won’t be any nasty surprises at your A&R. Wouldn’t that feel amazing?

Practical Solutions

Audit reports are completed the day the audit is completed. Delivered as an action plan, our auditor will leave you with clear solutions to address identified issues. With an action plan made available on the same day and reported by room or area in a user-friendly format with graphs benchmarking your performance, you’ll be able to get started on improvements immediately.