Business services
Business Services
Centre Support offers a range of business services to assist you.
Marketing Support Services to Maximise Profitability
Marketing doesn’t have to complicated! Our Marketing Support Services will provide a step by step process for understanding how your service can stand out and therefore differentiate from your competitors. Once you understand how you stand out from your competitors, it’s easy to attract the right customers to your service.
100% occupancy and the resulting maximisation of your profitability is what being in business is all about. The right marketing message will generate lots of enquiries and our Marketing Support Services can show you how to increase your chances of converting these enquiries into enrolments.
Centre Support’s Marketing Support normally starts with a two-hour in-service with your key people to explain the simple steps required to understand how to stand out, how to generate enquiries and how to convert these enquiries into enrolments.
Buy now or call on 1800 440 102
Comprehensive Tailored Childcare Budget Template
The Centre Support Childcare Budget Template is a comprehensive tailor made budget spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel. The template is prepopulated with a range of income lines, adjustable places / occupancy fields and able to be customized on your behalf.
Cost lines in the budget are prepopulated with standard Long Day Care cost lines including wages, including superannuation and add-ons, fixed and variable costs in expense groups and spare lines which can be customized on your behalf.
Costs are classified as either fixed or variable and variable costs adjust or change with occupancy as inputted by you.
The first worksheet is intended as master budget with the second spreadsheet providing an actual record of income and expenditure, therefore able to track year to date results.
This product is provided with an initial support phone call of no more than 30 minutes, and can be customizable to your individual requirements at a rate of $253 per hour with a minimum of one hour (incl. GST).
Cost to purchase $495 (incl. GST)
Buy now or call on 1800 440 102
Human Resources and People Management
We’ve all heard the term, but what exactly is human resources? It’s about managing people and our HR Toolkit makes sure you have the systems and procedures in place to do just that whether it’s recruiting quality staff, managing their everyday performance and duties or completing formal appraisals. Our HR Toolkit will provide the structure, systems and templates you need to attract, manage and retain the best possible people and get the most out of each member of your team. Learn more about our HR Toolkit
Click here to see HR pack’s index of content
Click here to see samples of the procedures
 Buy now or call on 1800 440 102