In centre after hours training
In-service training
In-service training and webinars to suit your needs
Looking for trainers to meet professional development needs, or to improve staff practice following an incident at the service? Centre Support offers a wide range of in-service training and webinars for you and your team. Our experienced, friendly trainers will come to your service or deliver a webinar and train your whole team of educators at a time that suits you and your educators (usually after-hours). They’ll ensure staff know, understand and can easily put it into practice what they learn.
Our trainers are full of ideas and tips based on the most current knowledge and practice. Many are former or current directors of exceeding centres, and all love to share their knowledge to make things simpler, easier and better.
Our in-service training is specifically tailored either for educators, or for Nominated Supervisors, Educational Leaders and Room Leaders. However, there may be times when Nominated Supervisors and other leaders need to participate in our educator training too. Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
“Our presenter Julianne was AMAZING and SO ENTHUSIASTIC and showed much love for her role in our industry of childcare!! 10/10”
Joan Stone Owner/Director Cubby House CC Baulkham Hills
Supportive Solutions
All in-service training comes with certificates of completion for participants. We can conduct large group training or mini weekend conferences too. You’re welcome to join with another service to share the cost, but sometimes it’s better to participate in training just with your team, especially with behaviour guidance training or the child protection refresher. Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs. Click here to download a PDF brochure to print course descriptions
Training for educators
Australian Indigenous/Aboriginal Perspectives
Critical Reflections (our most popular in-service)
How the National Law Regulations Apply to Educators
National Quality Framework – All Areas
Risk and Play for Early Childhood Educators
Transitions for All Ages and School Readiness
Training for Nominated Supervisors, Educational Leaders and Room Leaders
Learn to Lead and Manage Educators
Marketing Your Service for Better Occupancy
Quality Improvement Plan – An Evolving Process (our most popular course)
Self- Assessment Tool – an evolving process
Team Building & Effective Communication
Teamwork – the fun booster course
Training for educators
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Perspectives
Do you know where to start to increase your knowledge about Indigenous Aboriginal Australian culture? Are you and your educators afraid to try and implement things because it may not be correct or be tokenistic? If so, this in-service training is for you.
In our Australian Indigenous/Aboriginal Perspectives course we cover the following learning outcomes and teach your educators:
- How to relate curriculum to children’s Indigenous Australian Identity and make connections with their local communities
- How to use children’s current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests to create Indigenous Australian Curriculum
- How to build relationships and engage with the local Indigenous Australian communities
- How belonging works in Indigenous Australian Communities.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.2.1
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Autism – a practical way
All educators want to help children, especially those that need a little more assistance, but many don’t know where to start, especially with children on the autism spectrum. If you have children with a diagnosis, or you suspect they might be on the spectrum but their parents are not ready to accept this, then this course will help your educators.
In our Autism – a practical way course we cover the way children with autism may behave and why, and teach your educators how to:
- Respect and value all children equally
- Implement teaching strategies to help children with Autism, including strategies to help manage sensory processing sensitivities
- Work with families and other professionals to support children with Autism.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 5.1.2, 6.1.2, 6.2.2 and 6.2.3
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Behaviour Guidance
Do your educators struggle with some children’s behavior? Are other educators fearful of staying in the same room next year as they ‘know’ which children are moving up? If so, this in-service is for you.
In our Behavior Guidance course, we cover the basics of how brain development affects children’s responses to stressful or threatening situations and teach your educators how to:
- Implement behaviour guidance strategies which are tailored to a child’s personal circumstances and development
- Identify teaching practices or routines that may be adversely affecting children’s behaviour
- Change practices to achieve positive behaviour outcomes , including those which promote secure attachment
- Create indoor and outdoor environments which help manage children’s challenging behaviour.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.2.2
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Chaos to Calm
Are your educators tired of feeling like things in their room quickly spiral are out of control? Do they need help identifying issues that may be contributing to a chaotic room environment? If so, this course is for you. In our Chaos to Calm course we teach educators how to:
- Set up calming indoor and outdoor play spaces which for example:
- look vibrant, attractive and inviting
- provide appropriate levels of risk and physical challenge
- create separate spaces to actively engage groups of children
- promote children’s agency, imagination and creativity and extend their interests
- connect children to their community and everyday lives
- are based on children’s feedback about the environment and educator practices.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 3.2.1 and 3.2.2
“5 out of 5, explained everything well with lots of examples that related to us. Kayla Marie DeAngeli – Kids Kindy
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Child Protection Refresher
The NQS says ‘Management, educators and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities to identify and respond to every child at risk of abuse or neglect. ‘It may have been awhile since educators have completed child protection as a part of their qualifications and the law or the way we report child protection are constantly changing. This is why this refresher course is good to complete, especially before A&R to ensure you can show how all employees are aware of their role and responsibilities.
In our “Child Protection Refresher” course we will cover the following learning outcomes and teach your educators how to identify and understand:
- Indicators for all types of abuse and neglect
- Mandatory reporting requirements and mandated reporters
- Need for child focus rather than adult intent
- How to respond to a child who discloses abuse or neglect
- How to respond where abuse or neglect is suspected
- Reporting abuse and neglect procedure.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 2.2.3 Child protection. Management, educators and staff are aware of their roles and responsibilities to identify and respond to every child at risk of abuse or neglect.
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Critical Reflections (our most popular in-service)
Critical reflection is the most misunderstood concept of the NQS. That’s why we need to look at the EYLF and MTOP to get a proper definition and a better understanding. The EYLF and MTOP say “Critical reflection involves closely examining all aspects of events and experiences from different perspectives.”
Is that what your educators are doing? Or are they writing a time log of the day, or evaluating rather than reflecting? This course will show you exactly what critical reflection is and how to do it. More importantly, it will show you what critical reflection is not and why.
In our “Critical Reflections Training” course we will teach your educators how to:
- Reflect critically by closely examining all aspects of events and experiences through the eyes of children, families, educators, Nominated Supervisor, community and theorists
- Identify the difference between reflecting and evaluating
- Use critical reflections and the exceeding theme indicators for critical reflection to make well informed decisions and plans to improve practice.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 1.3.2 and 7.2.1
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Food and Hygiene
Most services in ECEC serve food which means we must comply with the Food Standards Australia New Zealand. What does this mean for your educators? All educators need to be trained in how to handle food safely.
In our Food and Hygiene course we teach your educators how to:
- Identify potential food safety hazards in the Children’s Service sector
- Control hazards in the food handling operation
- Monitor, control and correct hazards if found
- Identify risk and hazards that are not under the ECEC Regulations
- Implement a food safety system.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 2.1.2 and 2.1.3
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
How the National Law and Regulations Apply to Educators
Do you ever wonder why educators do things that breach the regulations? Do you ask yourself why educators think it’s okay to breach the regs (again)? Do you question what they were taught in regard to regulations and the law? If so, this course is for your team.
In our “How the National Law or Regulations Apply to Educators” course we teach your educators how to:
- Use a decision-making hierarchy to ensure the regs are not broken
- Consider the objectives of the Law
- Ensure decisions and practice is guided by the principles of the Law
- Identify specific sections of the Law or a Regulation to help make decisions
- Identify and use other regulations and laws that affect ECEC but are not in our ECEC Regulations
This in-service training uses case studies and practice scenarios to teach and guide your educators which in turn will make them better decision makers when it comes to the Law and Regulations.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 7.1.2 and 7.1.3
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
National Quality Framework – All Areas
This is a tailored course to suit your service. We can conduct training for one NQS Quality Area at a time or group two together.
- QA2 – Health and Safety
- QA3 – Physical Environment
- QA4 – Staffing
- QA5 – Relationships with Children
- QA6 – Relationships with Families and Communities
- QA7 – Governance and Leadership
In our “National Quality Framework – All Areas” course we deepen educators’ understanding and awareness of the NQS areas you select and teach them how to create practices to effectively implement the NQS quality area(s).
All NQS Elements can be covered in this in-service depending upon the Quality Areas you choose.
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Risk and Play for Early Childhood Educators
Sometimes centres need both the inspiration and confidence to create risky play environments that challenge children, and stimulate their creativity and problem solving.
In our Risk and Play for Early Childhood course we look at play from different points of view and explore how risky play environments are exactly what children need and love. We also explore how the EYLF, MTOP, NQS, Regulations and Playground Standards affect play environments.
In our Risk and Play for Early Childhood course we teach educators how to:
- Create a challenging and inspiring play environments
- Distinguish between harmful play practices and play which promotes positive risk taking
- Introduce different types of risky play and overcome any limitations
- Integrate theoretical practices into children’s play to enhance learning and development.
- Participate in children’s play and have fun!
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.2.3 and 3.2.1
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
EYLF 2.0 What’s the difference?
The EYLF is a wonderful document that’s not fully used to its potential. Let us teach you how to maximise EYLF and make educators fall in love again with programming and early childhood. We can guarantee your parents will read it, comment on it and add to it. Your educators will feel appreciated and in turn this will give them the energy and confidence to go even further.
In our “Taking EYLF to the Next Level” course we briefly explore the theories behind the EYLF to better understand a ‘relationship based curriculum’ and teach your educators how to:
- Free up their time by better understanding what the Regulations say about learning documentation
- Write meaningful learning and assessment documentation
- Respond to children’s individual needs throughout the curriculum
- Create stimulating learning environments
- Use the local community to maximise learning opportunities.
All NQS QA 1 Elements are covered in this in-service.
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Transitions for All Ages and School Readiness
Can your educators confidently settle new children (and families) into the centre? Are they looking for strategies which are proven to help calm and settle children during the transition process? Are they uncertain what to say when families ask if their child is ready for school?
These answers and more are in our Transitions for All Ages and School Readiness course where we teach educators how to:
- Implement practices that support children during transitions to early childhood centres, new rooms and schools and help them feel safe and secure
- Help families settle their children into the new environment
- Identify what skills are useful for children starting school
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 6.2.1 and 6.2.3
“I learnt ways to transition children in each aspect of schooling as well as helping the parent in the transition process. This course helped me grow an educator and it was very helpful.” Melissa Deboro, Mary Campbell Preschool School
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
WHS and Risk Management
Can your educators confidently conduct a risk assessment that you can count on? We need to remember Work Health and Safety is every employee’s responsibility as every person that enters the early childhood environment has the right to leave in the same state they entered. This includes children and their families.
In our WHS and Risk Management course we cover the WHS legislative requirements and teach your educators how to:
- Define hazard and risk and know the difference between them
- Identify hazards with multiple methods
- Conduct a workplace inspection
- Use a risk assessment matrix
- Control hazards by creating procedures
- Monitor ongoing WHS in the ECEC environment.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 2.2.1 and 7.1.2
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Training for Nominated Supervisors, Educational
Leaders and Room Leaders
Learn to Lead and Manage Educators
Are you always running out of time, trying to juggle multiple things at the same time, most of which are really part of other people’s jobs eg your educators? If so, this course is for you.
In our Learn to Lead and Manage Educators course we teach you how to:
- Make team members accountable for their own issues and problems by
- including core values in all job descriptions
- using core values as a performance management tool
- implementing a daily run sheet so all educators know what they’re doing at any given time
- ensuring all leaders, including room leaders, set and monitor goals based on team issues and problems
- implementing a communication template so all team members know who to speak to about specific issues
- using job descriptions and coaching to ensure all team members understand the requirements of their job
- requiring all leaders, including room leaders, implement the ‘GROW’ model of coaching to improve practices.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 7.1.3 and 7.2.3
“The information presented was very effective and the presenter provided great ideas”. Emma Johnson – Abacus Kindergarten and Learning Centre
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Managing Young Educators
Every age group has its own way of doing things. They become used to thinking or behaving in a certain way based on the culture and society they grew up in, including how they were taught at school.
If you’re having trouble managing your young educators, then this course is for you. Learn how some young educators’ attitudes, values and beliefs are impacting their work and what you can do to make your life easier.
In our Managing Young Educators course we teach you how to:
- Implement strategies which acknowledge the behaviours of young educators and help them work effectively
- Implement strategies to help young educators grow and learn new workplace practices
- Implement governance and Human Resource procedures to effectively manage young educators.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 7.1.3
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Marketing Your Service for Better Occupancy
In Centre Support’s Marketing Your Service for Better Occupancy course we can help you understand the basics about how to market your service for better occupancy and therefore greater profits.
This is a tailored course to suit your needs. We look at several simple steps to coach you in and support you through with a focus on increasing enquiries, tours and enrolments.
We may, for example, complete some exercises to understand your target customer, their needs and their priorities in looking for care. Together we may develop a profile of your customer and then write an advertisement to get their attention, or for example, we may help you conduct better tours.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 7.1.2
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Quality Improvement Plan – An Evolving Process
Your QIP is now the most important document for your A&R. Assessors copy parts of your QIP into their ‘Rating Tool’ and bring it with them on your A&R visit, then check your practices against your QIP during the visit to rate your centre as working towards, meeting or exceeding.
Are you confident your QIP showcases the strengths of your service, and the things you’ve changed? Are you confident you’ll get the rating you deserve? If not, this course is for you.
In our Quality Improvement Plan – An Evolving Process course we teach you how to:
- Write a Quality Improvement Plan that shows Authorised Officers why a Service should be rated Meeting or Exceeding the NQS including:
- what to include and exclude
- how to document strengths and improvement plans
- what to do on the day of the Assessment and Rating visit
- how to respond to a draft Assessment and Rating report if required
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 7.2.1
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Self-Assessment Tool – an evolving process
Your SAT is now the most important document for your A&R. Assessors copy parts of your SAT into their ‘Rating Tool’ and bring it with them on your A&R visit, then check your practices against your SAT during the visit to rate your centre as working towards, meeting or exceeding.
Are you confident your SAT showcases the strengths and key practices of your service. Are you confident you’ll get the rating you deserve? If not, this course is for you.
In our Self Assessment Tool – An Evolving Process course we teach you how to:
- Write a Self Assessment Tool that shows Authorised Officers why a Service should be rated Meeting or Exceeding the NQS including:
- what to include and exclude
- how to document strengths and improvement plans
- what to do on the day of the Assessment and Rating visit
- how to respond to a draft Assessment and Rating report if required
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 7.2.1
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Team Building & Effective Communication
This course has been especially designed to get your team back on track. If you’ve had or have a manager, room leader or educator who’s had a destructive effect at your service, for example spreading lots of negativity leaving your team divided and feeling scared or bullied, this course is for you.
In our team building and effective communication training we teach you how to:
- Create and maintain effective teams
- Manage non-functioning teams
- Set up clearly defined reporting relationships
- Recognise and use team members’ strengths
- Measure and track team performance.
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 4.2.1 and 4.2.2
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.
Teamwork – the fun booster course
This course is very different to the one above. It’s for teams that are working well, but need a boost to get to the next level.
In our Teamwork – the fun booster course, we teach you how to:
- Use team members’ strengths to create a fun working environment
- Create fun teamwork activities that increase skills
- Develop ideas and events for teams
- Foster creativity and increase learning across the whole team
- Promote a sense of ownership across the team
- Encourage healthy risk taking
NQS Elements covered in this in-service are: 4.1.1 and 4.1.2
Give us a call on 1800 440 102 to organise a time that suits your needs.