test NQS Menu
1.1Â Program
1.1.1 Approved learning framework
1.1.2 Child-centred
1.1.3 Program learning opportunities
1.1 Exceeding Themes
1.2 Practice
1.2.1 Intentional teaching
1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding
1.2.3 Child directed learning
1.2 Exceeding Themes
1.3 Assessment and planning
1.3.1 Assessment and planning cycle
1.3.2 Critical reflection
1.3.3 Information for families
1.3 Exceeding Themes
2.1 Health
2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort
2.1.2 Health practices and procedures
2.1.3 Healthy lifestyle
2.1Â Exceeding Themes
2.2 Safety
2.2.1 Supervision
2.2.2 Incident and emergency management
2.2.3 Child protection
2.2Â Exceeding Themes
3.1 Design
3.1.1 Fit for purpose
3.1.2 Upkeep
3.1Â Exceeding Themes
3.2 Use
3.2.1 Inclusive environment
3.2.2 Resources support play-based learning
3.2.3 Environmentally responsible
3.2Â Exceeding Themes
4.1 Staffing arrangements
4.1.1 Organisation of educators
4.1.2 Continuity of staff
4.1 Exceeding Themes
4.2 Professionalism
4.2.1 Professional collaboration
4.2.2 Professional standards
4.2 Exceeding Themes
5.1 Relationships between educators and children
5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions
5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child
5.1Â Exceeding Themes
5.2 Relationships between children
5.2.1 Collaborative learning
5.2.2 Self-regulation
5.2Â Exceeding Themes
6.1 Supportive relationships with families
6.1.1 Engagement with the service
6.1.2 Parent views are respected
6.1.3 Families are supported
6.1Â Exceeding Themes
6.2 Collaborative partnerships
6.2.1 Transitions
6.2.2 Access and participation
6.2.3 Community engagement
6.2Â Exceeding Themes
7.1 Governance
7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose
7.1.2 Management systems
7.1.3 Roles and responsibilities
7.1Â Exceeding Themes
7.2 Leadership
7.2.1 Continuous improvement
7.2.2 Educational leadership
7.2.3 Development of professionals
7.2Â Exceeding Themes