Members Page OSHC


Current Week 23 –  29 July 2024 – 2 August 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 23 3.2.3 Environmental 29_7_2024
S1_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S2_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S3_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S4_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S5_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S6_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S7_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S8_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
S9_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
SAT_NSW_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24
Start here_W23 3.2.3 Evironmental 29_7_24

We suggest that you download the learningactivities and archive them on your computer for future reference.


Previous Weekly Learning Activities


You will only need to access previous Weekly Learning Activities if  you were unable to complete the learning activities at the time. If this is the case please contact us.

If this is your first week with Centre Support, please start at the CURRENT WEEK

Week 22 –  22 July 2024 – 26 July 2024

Partnerships with families_OSHC
QIP_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_2024
S1_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
S2_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
S3_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
S4_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24_oshc
S5_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
S6_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
S7_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
S8_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
S9_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
SAT_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24
Start here_W22 3.2.2 Resources play 22_7_24

Week 21 –  15 July 2024 – 19 July 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 21 3.2.1 Inclusive15_7_2024
S1_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S2_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S3_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S4_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S5_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S6_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S7_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S8_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
S9_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
SAT W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024
Start here_W21 3.2.1 Inclusive 15_7_2024

Week 20b –  8 July 2024 – 12 July 2024

Partnerships with families
Week 20b 18_7_24

Week 20a –  1 July 2024 – 5 July 2024

Partnerships with families
Week 20a 1_7_24

Week 20 –  24 June 2024 – 28 June 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_W8 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S1_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S2_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S3_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S4_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024 OSHC
S5_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S6_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S7_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S8_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S9_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
SAT NSW W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
Start here_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024

Week 19 –  17 June 2024 – 21 June 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_W8 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S1_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S2_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S3_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S4_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024 OSHC
S5_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S6_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S7_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S8_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
S9_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
SAT NSW W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024
Start here_W19 2.1.2 Health 17_6_2024

Week 18 –  10 June 2024 – 14 June 2024

Partnerships with families OSHC
QIP_Week 18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort 10_6_2024
S1_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S2_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S3_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S4_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S5_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S6_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S7_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S8_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
S9_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024
SAT NSW W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024 OSHC
Start here_W18 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 10_6_2024

Week 17 –  3 June 2024 – 7 June 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_W17 5.2.2 Self Regulation 3_5_2024
S1_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S2_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S3_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S4_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S5_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S6_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S7_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S8_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024
S9_W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024-6
SAT NSW W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_24
Start Here W17 5.2.2 Self regulation 3_6_2024-6

Week 16 –  27 May 2024 – 31 May 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S1_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S2_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S3_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S4_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S5_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S6_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S7_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S8_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
S9_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
SAT NSW ONLY W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024
Start here_W16 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 27_5_2024

Week 15 –  20 May 2024 – 24 May 2024

Partnerships with families
Start here_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
SAT NSW Week 15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
QIP_Week 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023
S1_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S2_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S3_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S4_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S5_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S6_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S7_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S8_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024
S9_W15 5.1.2 Dignity_ rights 20_5_2024

Week 14 –  13 May 2024 – 17 May 2024


Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
S1_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S2_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S3_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S4_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S5_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S6_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S7_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S8_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
S9_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
SAT NSW Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024
Start Here_Week 14 5.1.1 Positive interactions 13_5_2024

Week 13 –  06 May 2024 – 10 May 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5__2023
S1_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
S2_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
S3_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
S4_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
S5_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
S6_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
S7_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
S8_Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported
 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
SAT NSW Week 13 6.1.3 Families supported 6_5_2024
Start Here Week 13 6.1.3 Families are supported 6_5_2024


Week 12 –  29 April 2024 – 3 May 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 29_4_2024
S1_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S2_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S3_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S4_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S5_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S6_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S7_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S8_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
S9_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
SAT NSW ONLY Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024
Start here_Week 12 6.1.2 Parents views 29_4_2024

Week 11 –  22 April 2024 – 26 April 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 6.1.1 Engagment with the service 22_4_2024
S1 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S2 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S3 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S4 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S5 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S6 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S7 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S8 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
S9 W11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
SAT NSW ONLY Week 11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024
Start Here Week 11 6.1.1 Engagement 22_4_2024

Week 10b –  15 April 2024 – 19 April 2024

Catch Up Week 10b 15_4_2024_oshc
Partnerships with families

Week 10a –  8 April 2024 – 12 April 2024

Catch Up Week 10a 8_4_2024 OSHC
Partnerships with families

Week 10 –  1 April 2024 – 5 April 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S1 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S2 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S3 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S4 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S5 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S6 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S7 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S8 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
S9 W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
SAT NSW ONLY W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024
Start Here W10 1.3.3 Info for families 2_4_2024

Week 9 –  25 March 2024 – 29 March 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 9 1.3.2 Critical reflection 25_3_2024
S1 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S2 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S3 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S4 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S5 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S6 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S7 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S8 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
S9 W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
SAT NSW ONLY W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024
Start Here W9 1.3.2 Critical Reflection 25_3_2024

Week 8 –  18 March 2024 – 22 March 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_24
S1 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S2 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S3 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S4 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S5 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S6 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S7 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S8 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
S9 W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
SAT NSW ONLY W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024
Start Here W8 1.3.1 Assessment 18_3_2024


Week 7 –  11 March 2024 – 15 March 2024

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 7 1.2.3 Child Directed 11_3_24
S1 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S2 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S3 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S4 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S5 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S6 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S7 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S8 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
S9 W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
Start Here W7 1.2.3_11_3_2024
Week 7 1.2.3 Child SAT NSW ONLY 11.3.2024

Week 6 –  4 March 2024 – 8 March 2024

Partnerships with families
S1 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S2 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S3 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S4 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S5 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S6 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S7 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S8 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
S9 W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
Start Here W6 1.2.2 Responsive_4_3_2024
Week 6 1.2.2 Responsive QIP 4.3.2024
Week 6 1.2.2 Responsive SAT NSW ONLY 4.3.2024

Week 5 –  26 February 2024 – 1 March 2024

S1 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S2 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S3 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S4 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S5 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S6 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S7 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S8 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
S9 W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
Start Here W5 1.2.1 Intentional_26_2_2024
Week 5 1.2.1 Intentional QIP Example 26.2.2024
Week 5 1.2.1 Intentional SAT NSW ONLY 26.2.2024
Week 5 1.2.1 Intentional Partnerships – OSHC

Week 4 –  19 February 2024 – 23 February 2024

Partnerships with families
S1 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S2 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S3 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S4 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S5 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S6 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S7 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S8 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
S9 W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
Start Here W4 1.1.3 Program_19_2_2024
W4 1.1.3 NSW ONLY SAT Example 19_2_2024
Week 4 1.1.3 QIP Example 19.2.2024

Week 3 –  12 February 2024 – 16 February 2024

Partnerships with families
S1 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S2 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S3 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S4 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S5 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S6 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S7 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S8 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
S9 W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
START HERE W3 1.1.2 Child centred_12_2_2024
W3 1.1.3 NSW ONLY SAT Example 12_2_2024
Week 3 1.1.2 QIP Example 12.2.2024

Week 2 –  5 February 2024 – 9 February 2024

Partnerships with families
S1 Learn Meeting W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S2 Eval Reflect W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S3 Doc Meeting W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S4 Policy W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S5 Exceed Embed W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S6 Exceed Critical W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S7 Exceed Fam Comm W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S8 Exceed Ed Leader W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
S9 Manage v Leadership W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
START W2 1.1.1 Approved Learning_5_2_2024
W2 1.1.1 NSW ONLY SAT Example 5_2_2024
W2 1.1.1 QIP Example 5_2_2024

Week 1 –  29 January 2024 – 2 February 2024

NSW only SAT_W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_2024
Partnerships with families
QIP_W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_2024
S1 Meeting W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S2 Eval Reflect W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S3 Document Meeting W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S4 Policy W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S5 Exceed Emb W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S6 Exceed Crit W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S7 Exceed Fam Comm W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S8 Ed Lead W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
S9 Manage Lead W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24
START HERE W1 7.1.1 Philosophy 29_1_24

Week 40 –  11 December 2023 – 15 December 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 40 Professional D 11_12_2023
S1 Early Career W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S2 Meeting W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S5 Policy W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S7 Exceed Critical W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S8 Exceed Fam Comm W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023
Start Here W40 7.2.3 Professional_11_12_2023

Week 39 –   4 December 2023 – 8 December 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 3 Ed Leader 27_12_2023
S1 Early Career W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S2 Meeting W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S5 Policy W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S7 Exceed Crit Reflect W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S8 Exceed Fam Com W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023
START HERE W39 7.2.1 Ed Leader_27_11_2023

Week 38 –   27 November 2023 – 1 December 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 38 Continuous 27_11_2023
S1 Early career W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S2 Meeting W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S5 Policy W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S7 Exceed Critical W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S8 Exceed Fam Com W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023
START HERE W38 7.2.1 Continuous 27_11_2023

Week 37 –   20 November 2023 – 24 November 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 37 Continuity 20_11_2023
S1 Early Career W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S2 Meeting W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S5 Policy W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S7 Exceed Critical W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S8 Exceed Fam Com W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023
START HERE W37 4.1.2 Continuity 20_11_2023

Week 36 –   13 November 2023 – 17 November 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 36 Organisation 13_11_2023
S1 Early Career W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S2 Meeting W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S5 Policy W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S7 Exceed Critical W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S8 Exceed Family W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023
START HERE W36 4.1.1 Organisation 13_11_2023

Week 35 –   6 November 2023 – 10 November 2023

Maintenance – Schedule OSHC
Maintenance- Check Daily OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
QIP_Week 35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S1 Early Career W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S2 Meeting W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S5 Policy W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_23
S6 Exceed Embed W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S7 Exceed Crit W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S8 Exceed Comm W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023
START HERE W35 3.1.2 Upkeep 6_11_2023

Week 34 –   30 October 2023 – 3 November 2023

Centre Support- Sleep and Rest Risk Assessment Example V1_
Start Here W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 34 Fit for purpose 30_10_2023
S1 Early Career W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S2 Meeting W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S5 Policy W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S7 Exceed Critical W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S8 Embed Family W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W34 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose 30_10_2023

Week 33 –   23 October 2023 – 27 October 2023

START HERE W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 33 Community 23_10_2023
S1 Early career W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S2 Meeting W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S5 Policy W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S7 Exceed Crit W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S8 Exceed Commun W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W33 6.2.3 Community 23_10_2023

Week 32 –   16 October 2023 – 20 October 2023

START HERE Week 32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 32 Access 16_10_2023
S1 Early Career W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S2 Meeting W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S4 Eval Reflect W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S5 Policy W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S6 Exced Emb W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S7 Exced Crit W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S8 Exced Family W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W32 6.2.2 Access 16_10_2023

Week 31 –   9 October 2023 – 13 October 2023

START HERE W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 31 Transistions 9_10_2023
S1 Early Career W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S2 Meeting W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S3 Learning W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S4 Eval Crit W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S5 Policy W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S6 Exced Embed W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S7 Exced Crit Reflect W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S8 Exced Family W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W31 6.2.1 Transistions 9_10_2023_OSHC

Week 30b –   2 October 2023 – 6 October 2023

Partnerships with families
Week 30b Catch up 2_10_23

Week 30a –   25 September 2023 – 29 September 2023

Partnerships with families
Week 30a Catch up 25_9_23

Week 30 –   18 September 2023 – 22 September 2023

START HERE Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 30 Standards 18_9_2023
S1 Early Career Ed Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S2 Meeting Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S3 Learn Meeting Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S4 Eval Reflect Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S5 Policy Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S6 Exced Embed Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S7 Exced Critical Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S8 Exced Fam Comm Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup Week 30 4.2.2 Standards 18_9_2023

Week 29 –   11 September 2023 – 15 September 2023

START HERE Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 29 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S1 Early Career Ed Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S2 Meeting Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S3 Learn Meeting Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S4 Eval Reflect Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S5 Policy Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S6 Exced Embed Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S7 Exced Critical Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S8 Exced Families Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023
S9 Ed Led Nom Sup Week 29 4.2.1 Collaboration 11_9_2023

Week 28 –   4 September 2023 – 8 September 2023

START HERE Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
Partnerships with families (not NSW & VIC)
Partnerships with families NSW
Partnerships with families VIC
QIP_Week 28 2.2.3 Child Protection 4_9_2023
S1 Early Career Ed Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S2 Meeting Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S3 Learning Meeting Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S4 Eval Critical Reflec Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S5 Policy Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S6 Exced Embed Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S7 Exced Critical Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S8 Exced Families Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup Week 28 2.2.3 Child protection 4_9_2023

Week 27 –  28 August 2023 – 1 September 2023

START HERE Week 27 2.2.2 Incident and Emergency 28_8_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S1 Early Career Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S2 Meeting Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S3 Learning Meeting Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S4 Eval Critical Reflec Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S5 Policy Review Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S6 Exced Emb Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S7 Exced Critical Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S8 Exced Fam Comm Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup Week 27 2.2.2 Emergency 28_8_2023

Week 26 –  21 August 2023 – 25 August 2023

S1 Early Career Ed W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S2 Meeting W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S3 Learn Meeting W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S4 Eval Critical Reflect W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S5 Policy Review W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S6 Exceed Embed W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S7 Exceed Critcial W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S8 Exceed Fam Commun W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
START HERE W26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 26 2.2.1 Supervision 21_8_2023

Week 25 –  14 August 2023 – 18 August 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_W25 7.1.3 Roles14_8_2023
S1 Early career W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S2 Meeting W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S3 Learning Meeting W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S4 Evaluation Reflection W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S5 Policy Review W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S6 Exced Embed W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S7 Exced Critical W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S8 Exced Families W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
S9 Ed Led Nom Sup W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23
START HERE W25 7.1.3 Roles 14_8_23

Week 24 –  07 August 2023 – 11 August 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_2023
S1 Early career ed W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S2. Experienced Ed W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S3 Learn Meeting W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S4 Evaluation reflection W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S5 Policy review W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S6 Exceed Embed W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S7 Exceed Critical W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S8 Exceed Family Com W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23
START HERE W24 7.1.2 Management 7_8_23

week 23 –  31 July 2023 – 04 August 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_2023
S1 Early career ed W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
S2 Meeting W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
S3 Learning Meeting W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
S4 Evaluation Critical W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
S5 Policy Review W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
S6 Exceed Emb W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
S7 Exceed Critical W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_2
S8 Exceed Family Comm W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
S9 Ed Lead nom Sup W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23
START HERE W23 7.1.1 Philosophy 31_7_23


Week 22 –  24 July 2023 – 28 July 2023

2023 CS Weekly Pro Dev Schedule
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 22 3.2.3 Environmental 24_7_2023
S1 Early career W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S2 Meeting W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S3 Learning Meeting W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S4 Evaluation Critical W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S5 policy review W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S6 Exceed Emb W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S7 Exceed Critical W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S8 Exceed Family Comm W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
S9 Ed Lead Nom Sup W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23
START HERE W22 3.2.3 Evironmental 24_7_23


Week 20b Catch Up 10_7_23Week 20b –  10 July 2023 – 14 July 2023

Week 20a –  03 July 2023 – 07 July 2023

Partnerships with families
Week 20a 3_7_23

Week 20 –  26 June 2023 – 30 June 2023

START HERE Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_20233
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive Environ 26_6_2023
Sec 1. Early career educator Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 2. Experienced ed meeting Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 3. LearningMeeting Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 4. Evaluation Reflection Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 5. Policy review Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 6 – Exceeding Emb Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 7 Exc Crit Ref Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 8 – Exc Fam Community Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
Sec 9 – Ed Leader Nom Sup Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023
START HERE Week 20 3.2.1 Inclusive 26_6_2023

Week 19 – 19 June 2023 – 23 June 2023

START HERE Week 19 2.1.3 Healthly lifestyles 19_6_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 19 2.1.3 Healthy Lifestyle 19_6_2023
Section 1. Early Care W19 2.1.3 Healthly lifestyles 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 2. Meeting W19 2.1.3 Healthly lifestyles 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 3. Learning meet W19 2.1.3 Health lifes 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 4. Eval_Ref Week 19 2.1.3 Health life 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 5. Policy review W19 2.1.3 Health lifes 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 6 – Exceed Emb W19 2.1.3 Health lifes 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 7 – Exc – Crit Ref W19 2.1.3 Health lifes 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 8 – Exc – Family W19 2.1.3 Health lifes 19_6_2023 OSHC
Section 9 – EL NS Week 19 2.1.3 Health lifes 19_6_2023 OSHC


Week 18 – 12 June 2023 – 16 June 2023

START HERE Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023
Section 1 Early career educator Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Section 2. Experienced ed meeting Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Section 3. Learning meeting.Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Section 5. Policy review Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Section 6 – Exceeding Embedded Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Section 7 – Exceeding Critical Reflection Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSH
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family Community Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC
Section 9 – Ed Lead Nom Sup Week 18 2.1.2 Health 12_6_2023 OSHC

Week 17 – 5 June 2023 – 9 June 2023

START HERE 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
QIP_Week 17 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort 5_6_2023
Section 1. Early career educator 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 2. Experienced educators meetings 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 3. Learing what is required for meetings 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 5. Policy review 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and community 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC
Section 9 – Ed Leader and Nom Sup 2.1.1 Wellbeing and confort 5_6_2023_OSHC

Week 16 – 29 May 2023 – 2 June 2023

START HERE Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 16 5.2.2 Self Regulation 29_5_2023
Relationships – Behaviour Guidance Plan
Section 1. Early career educator Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 2. Experienced educators meeting Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 3. Learning what is required for meeting Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 5. Policy review Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and Community Links Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC
Section 9 – Ed Leader and Nom Sup Week 16 5.2.2 Self regulation 29_5_2023_OSHC

Week 15 – 22 May 2023 – 26 May 2023

START HERE Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 1. Early career educator Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 2. Experienced educators meeting Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 3. Learning what is required for meeting Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 5. Policy review Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and Community Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023
Section 9 – Educational Leader and Nominated Supervisor Week 15 5.2.1 Collaborative learning 22_5_2023


Week 14 – 15 May 2023 – 19 May 2023


Start Here Week 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023
Section 1 Early career educator Week 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Section 2. Experienced educators meeting Week 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Section 3. Learning what is required for meeting Week 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Section 4 Evaluation and reflection Week 14 Dignity and rights of the child 15.5.2023 OSHC
Section 5. Policy review Week 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and community 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC
Section 9 – Educational Leader and Nominated Supervisor 14 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child 15_5_2023 OSHC

Week 13 – 08 May 2023 – 12 May 2023

Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
START HERE Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 1. Early career educator Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 2. Experienced educators meeting Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 3. Learning what is required for meeting Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 5. Policy review Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and community Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023
Section 9 – EdLeader and Nom Sup Week 13 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 8_5_2023


Week 12 – 1 May 2023 – 5 May 2023

START HERE Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5__2023
Section 1. Early career educator Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 2. Experienced educators – ensure meeting Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 3. Learning what is required for meeting Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 5. Policy review Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and Community Links Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC
Section 9 – Educational Leader and Nominated Supervisor Week 12 6.1.3 Families are supported 1_5_2023 OSHC


Week 11 – 24 April 2023 – 28 April 2023


1 START HERE Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023
Section 1. Early career educatorWeek 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 2. Experienced educators meeting Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 3. Learning what is required for meeting Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 5. Policy review Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and Community Links Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC
Section 9 – Educational Leader Week 11 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 24_4_2023_OSHC-10

Week 10b – 17 April 2023 – 21 April 2023


Catch Up Week 10b 17_4_2023 – OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC

Week 10a – 10 April 2023 – 14 April 2023


Catch Up Week 10a 11_4_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families

Week 10 – 3 April 2023 – 7 April 2023

1. START HERE_Week 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 6.1.1 Engagment with the service 3_4_2023
Section 1. Early career educator Week 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 2. Experienced educators – meeting Week 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 3. Learning what is required for meeting Week 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 4. Evaluation and Reflection Week 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 5. Policy review Week 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 6 – Exceeding – Embedded Practice Week 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 7 – Exceeding – Critical Reflection 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 8 – Exceeding – Family and Community 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC
Section 9 – Educational Leader and Nominated Supervisor 10 6.1.1 Engagement with the service 3_4_2023_OSHC

Week 9 – 27 March 2023 – 31 March 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 9 1.3.3 Information for families 27_3_2023
2. Educational Leader Week 9 1.3.3 Information for families 27_3_2023
3. Group Leader and Educators Week 9 1.3.3 Information for families 27_3_2023
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 9 1.3.3 Information for families 27_3_2023
Guide Welcoming Conversations with CaLD families

Week 8 – 20 March 2023 – 24 March 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 8 1.3.2 Critical reflection 20_3_2023_OSHC
2. Educational Leader Week 8 1.3.2 Critical reflection 20_3_2023_OSHC
3. Group Leader and Educators Week 8 1.3.2 Critical reflection 20_3_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 8 1.3.2 Critical reflection 20_3_2023

Week 7 – 13 March 2023 – 17 March 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor 7 1.3.1 Assessment and planning cycle 13_3_2023_OSHC
2. Educational Leader 7 1.3.1 Assessment and planning cycle 13_3_2023_OSHC
3. Group Leader and Educators 7 1.3.1 Assessment and planning cycle 13_3_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 7 1.3.1 Assessment and planning cycle 13_3_23

Week 6 – 6 March 2023 – 10 March 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 6 1.2.3 Child directed learning 6_2_23 OSHC
2. Educational Leader Week 6 1.2.3 Child directed learning 6_2_23 OSHC
3. Group Leader and Educators Week 6 1.2.3 Child directed learning 6_2_23 OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP_Week 6 1.2.3 Child Directed Learning 6_3_23
Risk Assessment – Risk_Benefit Activities_Experiences

Week 5 – 27 February 2023 – 03 March 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 5 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding 27_2_2023_OSHC
2. Educational Leader Week 5 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding 27_2_2023_OSHC
2. Group Leader and Educators Week 5 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding 27_2_2023_OSHC
Partnerships with families
QIP Week 5 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding 27.2.2023


Week 4 – 20 February 2023 –  24 February 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 4 1.2.1 Intentional teaching 20.2.23 OSHC
2. Educational Leader Week 4 1.2.1 Intentional teaching 20.2.23 OSHC
3. Group Leader and Educators Week 4 1.2.1 Intentional teaching 20.2.23 OSHCWeek
4 1.2.1 Intentional teaching Partnerships with familiesWeek

4 1.2.1 Intentional Teaching QIP Example 20.2.2023

Week 3 – 13 February 2023 –  17 February 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 3 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities 13.2.23
2. Educational Leader Week 3 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities 13.2.23
3. Group Leader and Educators Week 3 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities 13.2.23
Partnerships with families
Week 3 1.1.3 QIP Example 13.2.2023

Week 2 – 06 February 2023 –  10 February 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 2 1.1.2 Child Centred 6.2.23
2. Educational Leader Week 2 1.1.2 Child Centred 6.2.23
3. Group Leaders and Educators Week 2 1.1.2 Child Centred 6.2.23
Partnerships with families
Week 2 1.1.2 QIP Example 6.2.2023

Week 01 – 30 January 2023 –  03 February 2023

1. Nominated Supervisor Week 1 1.1.1 Approved learing framework 30.1.23
2. Room Leader and Educators Week 1 1.1.1 Approved learing framework 30.1.23
3. Educational Leader Week 1 1.1.1 Approved learing framework 30.1.23
4. Exceeding Critical Reflection 1 1.1.1 Approved learing framework 30.1.23

Week 40 – 12 December 2022 –  16 December 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 40 12_12_22 7.1.2 Management systems OSHC
Educational Leader Week 40 12_12_22 7.1.2 Management systems OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 40 12_12_22 7.1.2 Management systems OSHC
Partnerships with families
2022 Weekly Professional Development
Questions and answers week 40
Week 40 QIP Example

Week 39 – 05 December 2022 –  09 December 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 39 5_12_22 4.1.2 Continuity of staff
Educational Leader Week 39 5_12_22 4.1.2 Continuity of staff
Room Leader and Educators Week 39 5_12_22 4.1.2 Continuity of staff
Partnerships with families
Partnerships with families with Whistleblower Policy
Week 39 QIP Example

Week 38 – 28 November 2022 –  02 December 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 37 21_11_22 7.2.2 Educational leadership OSHC
Educational Leadership Nominated Supervisor
Educational Leader Week 37 21_11_22 7.2.2 Educational leadership OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 37 21_11_22 7.2.2 Educational leadership OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 37 QIP Example

Week 37 – 21 November 2022 –  25 November 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 37 21_11_22 7.2.2 Educational leadership OSHC
Educational Leadership Nominated Supervisor
Educational Leader Week 37 21_11_22 7.2.2 Educational leadership OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 37 21_11_22 7.2.2 Educational leadership OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 37 QIP Example

Week 36 – 14 November 2022 –  18 November 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 36 14_11_22 4.2.1 Professional collaboration
Educational Leader Week 36 14_11_22 4.2.1 Professional collaboration
Group Leaders and Educators Week 36 14_11_22 4.2.1 Professional collaboration
Partnerships with families
Week 36 QIP Example OSHC


Week 35 – 07 November 2022 –  11 November 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 35 7_11_22 2.2.2 Incident and emergency management OSHC
Educational Leader Week 35 7_11_22 2.2.2 Incident and emergency management OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 35 7_11_22 2.2.2 Incident and emergency management OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 35 QIP Example
Daily Safety Check Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Emerging Minds Resource Summary Educators
Open Close Service Nominated Supervisor OSHC

Week 34 – 31 October 2022 –  04 November 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 34 31_10_22 2.1.3 Healthy lifestyle OSHC
Educational Leader Week 34 31_10_22 2.1.3 Healthy lifestyle OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 34 31_10_22 2.1.3 Healthy lifestyle OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 34 QIP Example

Week 33 – 24 October 2022 –  28 October 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 33 24_10_22 7.2.3 Development of professionals OSHC
Educational Leader Week 33 24_10_22 7.2.3 Development of professionals OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 33 24_10_22 7.2.3 Development of professionals OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 33 QIP Example


Week 32 – 17 October 2022 –  21 October 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 32 17_10_22 3.2.3 Environmentally responsible OSHC
Educational Leader Week 32 17_10_22 3.2.3 Environmentally responsible OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 32 17_10_22 3.2.3 Environmentally responsible OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 32 QIP Example

Week 31 – 10 October 2022 –  14 October 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 31 10_10_22 6.2.1 Transitions OSHC
Educational Leader Week 31 10_10_22 6.2.1 Transitions OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 31 10_10_22 6.2.1 Transitions OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 31 QIP Example OSHC
Workplace Discrimination Fair Work Factsheet

Week 30b – 3 October 2022 –  7 October 2022
Partnerships with families
Week 30b 3_10_22 OSHC

Week 30a – 26  September 2022 –  30 September 2022

Partnerships with families
Week 30a 26_9_22 OSHC
Answers from last week – Compliance test for educators

Week 30 – 19  September 2022 –  23 September 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 30 19_9_22 4.1.1 Organisation of educators OSHC
Educational Leader Week 30 19_9_22 4.1.1 Organisation of educators OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 30 19_9_22 4.1.1 Organisation of educators OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 30 QIP Example
2022 Weekly Professional Development


Week 29 – 12  September 2022 –  16 September 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 29 12_9_22 2.1.2 Health practices OSHC
Educational Leader Week 29 12_9_22 2.1.2 Health practices OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 29 12_9_22 2.1.2 Health practices OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 29 QIP Example OSHC
Health, Hygiene and Safe Food Policy NQF OSHC with highlights

Week 28 – 05 September 2022 –  09 September 2022


Nominated Supervisor Week 28 5_9_22 2.2.3 Child protection
Educational Leader Week 28 5_9_22 2.2.3 Child protection
Group Leader and Educators Week 28 5_9_22 2.2.3 Child protection
Week 28 QIP Example
Child Safe Policy NQF ACT, NT, QLD, TAS, WA
Child Safe Policy NQF NSW
Child Safe Policy NQF SA
Child Safe Policy NQF VIC
Partnerships with families (not NSW & VIC)
Partnerships with families NSW
Partnerships with families VIC

Week 27 – 29 August 2022 – 02 September 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 27 29_8_22 6.2.2 Access and participation
Educational Leader Week 27 29_8_22 6.2.2 Access and participation
Room Leader and Educators Week 27 29_8_22 6.2.2 Access and participation
Partnerships with families
Week 27 QIP Example OSHC
Disability Discrimination Act Information Sheet

Week 26 – 22 August 2022 – 26 August 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 26 22_8_22 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort OSHC
Educational Leader Week 26 22_8_22 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort OSHC
Group Leaders and Educators Week 26 22_8_22 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 26 QIP Example OSHC


Week 25 – 15 August 2022 – 19 August 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 25 15_8_22 2.2.1 Supervision OSHC
Educational Leader Week 25 15_8_22 2.2.1 Supervision OSHC
Group leader and Educators Week 25 15_8_22 2.2.1 Supervision OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 25 QIP Example

Week 24 – 08 August 2022 – 12 August 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 24 8_8_22 5.2.2 Self-regulation OSHC
Educational Leader Week 24 8_8_22 5.2.2 Self-regulation OSHC
Group leader and educators Week 24 8_8_22 5.2.2 Self-regulation OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 24 QIP Example
Relationships – Behaviour Guidance Plan

Week 23 – 01 August 2022 – 05 August 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 23 1_8_22 3.1.2 Upkeep OSHC
Educational Leader Week 23 1_8_22 3.1.2 Upkeep OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 23 1_8_22 3.1.2 Upkeep OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 23 QIP Example OSHC
Maintenance – Schedule OSHC
Maintenance- Check Daily OSHC

Week 22 – 25 July 2022 – 29July 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 22 25_7_22 3.1.1 Fit for purpose OSHC
Educational Leader Week 22 25_7_22 3.1.1 Fit for purpose OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 22 25_7_22 3.1.1 Fit for purpose OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 22 QIP Example


Week 21 – 18 July 2022 – 22 July 2022

Partnerships with families
Week 21 QIP Example

Week 20B – 11 July 2022 – 15 July 2022

Partnerships with families VIC Only
Partnerships with families

Week 20a – 04 July 2022 – 08 July 2022

Partnerships with families
Week 20a 4_7_22 OSHC
Compliance test for educators answers from last week

Week 20 – 27 June 2022 – 01 July 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 20 27_6_22 1.2.1 Intentional teaching OSHC
Educational Leader Week 20 27_6_22 1.2.1 Intentional teaching OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 20 27_6_22 1.2.1 Intentional teaching OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 20 QIP Example OSHC
Using the practice – Early literacy
Using the practice – Early numeracy
Using the practice – Self-regulation


Week 19 – 20 June 2022 – 24 June 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 19 20_6_22 5.2.1 Collaborative learning OSHC
Educational Leader Week 19 20_6_22 5.2.1 Collaborative learning OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 19 20_6_22 5.2.1 Collaborative learning OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 19 QIP Example OSHC

Week 18 – 13 June 2022 – 17 June 2022

GrNominated Supervisor Week 18 13_6_22 1.2.3 Child directed learning
Educational Leader Week 18 13_6_22 1.2.3 Child directed learning
Group Leader and Educators Week 18 13_6_22 1.2.3 Child directed learning
Partnerships with families
Week 18 QIP Example OSHC
Risk Assessment – Risk_Benefit Activities_Experiences

Week 17 – 06 June 2022 – 10 June 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 17 6_6_22 6.1.3 Families are supported OSHC
Educational Leader Week 17 6_6_22 6.1.3 Families are supported OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 17 6_6_22 6.1.3 Families are supported OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 17 QIP Example


Week 16 – 30 May 2022 – 3 June 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 16 30_5_22 6.2.3 Community engagement
Educational Leader Week 16 30_5_22 6.2.3 Community engagement
Group Leader and Educators Week 16 30_5_22 6.2.3 Community engagement
Partnerships with families
Week 16 QIP Example

Week 15 – 23 May 2022 – 27 May 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 15 23_5_22 3.2.1 Inclusive environments OSHC
Educational Leader Week 15 23_5_22 3.2.1 Inclusive environments OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 15 23_5_22 3.2.1 Inclusive environments OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 15 QIP Example OSHC

Week 14 – 16 May 2022 – 20 May 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 14 16_5_22 6.1.2 Parent views are respected OSHC
Educational Leader Week 14 16_5_22 6.1.2 Parent views are respected OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 14 16_5_22 6.1.2 Parent views are respected OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 14 QIP Example OSHC


Week 13 – 09 May 2022 – 13 May 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 13 9_5_22 – 3.2.2 Resources support play-based learning
Educational Leader Week 13 9_5_22 – 3.2.2 Resources support play-based learning
Group Leader and Educators Week 13 9_5_22 – 3.2.2 Resources support play-based learning
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 13 QIP Example
Enrolment – Form OSHC ACT, NSW, NT, SA, TAS, VIC


Week 12 – 02 May 2022 – 06 May 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 12_2_5_22 – 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions
Educational Leader Week 12_2_5_22 – 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions
Group Leader and Educators Week 12_2_5_22 – 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 12 QIP Example OSHC

Week 11 – 25 April 2022 – 29 April 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 11_26_4_22 – 1.1.1 Approved Learning Framework
Educational Leader Week 11_26_4_22 – 1.1.1 Approved Learning Framework
Group Leader and Educators Week 11_26_4_22 – 1.1.1 Approved Learning Framework
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 11 QIP Example OSHC

Week 10b – 18 April 2022 – 22 April 2022

Week 10b 18_4_22 OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC

Week 10a – 11 April 2022 – 15 April 2022

Week 10a 11_4_22 Catch Up OSHC
Compliance test for educators Week 10

Week 10 – 4 April 2022 – 8 April 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 10 4_4_22 – 6.1.1 Engagement with the Service
Educational Leader Week 10 4_4_22 – 6.1.1 Engagement with the Service
Group Leader and Educatrors Week 10 4_4_22 – 6.1.1 Engagement with the Service
Partnerships with families
Week 10 QIP Example

Week 09 – 28 March 2022 – 1 April 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 9 28_3_22 7.1.3 Roles and responsibilities OSHC
Educational Leader Week 9 28_3_22 7.1.3 Roles and responsibilities OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 9 28_3_22 7.1.3 Roles and responsibilities OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 9 QIP Example

Week 08 – 21 March 2022 – 25 March 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 8 21_3_22 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child
Educational Leader Week 8 21_3_22 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child
Group Leader and Educators Week 8 21_3_22 5.1.2 Dignity and rights of the child
Partnerships with families
Week 8 QIP Example
40 weeks QIP 2022
Staffing – Casual Employment Information Statement
Staffing – Fair Work Information Statement
UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Week 07 – 14 March 2022 -18  March 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 7 14_3_22 1.1.2 Child-centred OSHC
Educational Leader Week 7 14_3_22 1.1.2 Child-centred OSHC
Group Leader and Educators Week 7 14_3_22 1.1.2 Child-centred OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 7 QIP Example

Week 06 – 7 March 2022 – 11 March 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 6 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities
Educational Leader Week 6 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities
Group Leader and Educators Week 6 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities
Partnerships with families
Week 6 QIP Example
2022 Weekly Professional Development

Week 05 – 28 February 2022 – 4 March 2022

Nominated Supervisor 1.3.1 Assessment and Planning Cycle
Educational Leader 1.3.1 Assessment and Planning Cycle
Group Leader and Educators 1.3.1 Assessment and Planning Cycle
Partnerships with families
Week 5 2022 QIP Example
Documenting Programs for School Age Care
Child Protection Advertisement

Week 04 – 21 February 2022 – 25 February 2022
Nominated Supervisor Week 4 21_2_22 1.3.2 Critical Reflection
Educational Leader Week 4 21_2_22 1.3.2 Critical Reflection
Group Leader and Educators Week 4 21_2_22 1.3.2 Critical Reflection
Partnerships with families
Week 4 2022 QIP Example

Week 03  – 14 February 2022 – 18 February 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 3 14_2_22 1.3.3 Information for families
Educational Leader Week 3 14_2_22 1.3.3 Information for families
Group Leader and Educators Week 3 14_2_22 1.3.3 Information for families
Partnerships with families
Week 3 2022 QIP Example
Guide Welcoming Conversations with CaLD families

Week 02  – 07 February 2022 – 11 February 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 2 7_2_22 7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose
Educational Leader Week 2 7_2_22 7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose
Group Leader and Educators Week 2 7_2_22 7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose
Partnerships with families
Week 2 2022 QIP Example

Week 01  – 31 January 2022 – 04 February 2022

Nominated Supervisor Week 1 31_1_22 7.2.1 Continuous Improvement
Educational Leader Week 1 31_1_22 7.2.1 Continuous Improvement
Group Leader and Educators Week 1 31_1_22 7.2.1 Continuous Improvement
Partnerships with families
Week 1 2022 QIP Example

Week 40 – 06 December 2021 – 10 December 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 40_13_12_2_7.1.2 Management Systems
Educational Leader Week 40_13_12_2_7.1.2 Management Systems
Group Leader and Educators Week 40_13_12_2_7.1.2 Management Systems
Partnerships with families
Week 40 2021 QIP Example
2021 Weekly Professional Development
Coronavirus Policy NQF 9_12_21 QLD
Coronavirus Policy NQF 9_12_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF NSW 9_12_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF Victoria 9_12_21

Week 39 – 06 December 2021 – 10 December 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 39 6_12_21 7.2.1 Continuous Improvement
Educational Leader Week 39 6_12_21 7.2.1 Continuous Improvement
Group Leader and Educators Week 39 6_12_21 7.2.1 Continuous Improvement
Partnerships with families (No Policy)
Partnerships with families
Week 39 2021 QIP Example
Enrolment – Form OSHC ACT, NSW, NT, SA, TAS, VIC
Safe Transportation of Children ACECQA Fact Sheet
Staffing – QLD Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter
COVID-Safe Plan 2_12_21 QLD

Week 38 – 29 November 2021 – 03 December 2021

Nominated Supervisor 38 29_11_21_7.2.2 Educational leadership
Educational Leader Week 38 29_11_21_7.2.2 Educational leadership
Group Leader and Educators Week 38 29_11_21_7.2.2 Educational leadership
Partnerships with families
Week 38 2021 QIP Example
ACECQA Fact Sheet The Role of the Educational Leader
Talking About Practice-The Role Of The Educational Leader
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 SA
Staffing – SA Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter
Child Protection Advertisement

Week 37 – 22 November 2021 – 26 November 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 37 22_11_21_4.2.2 Professional Standards
Educational Leader Week 37 22_11_21_4.2.2 Professional Standards
Group Leader and Educators Week 37 22_11_21_4.2.2 Professional Standards
Partnerships with families
Week 37 2021 QIP Example
ACEC ad flexible training

Week 36 – 15 November 2021 – 19 November 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 36_15_11_21_4.2.1 Professional Collaboration
Educational Leader Week 36_15_11_21_4.2.1 Professional Collaboration
Group leader and educators Week 36_15_11_21_4.2.1 Professional Collaboration
Partnerships with families
Problem solving with your workers Fact Sheet Fair Work
Week 36 2021 QIP Example

Week 35 – 8 November 2021 – 12 November 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 35 8_11_21_4.1.2 Continuity of Staff
Educational Leader Week 35 8_11_21_4.1.2 Continuity of Staff
Group Leader and Educators Week 35 8_11_21_4.1.2 Continuity of Staff
Partnerships with families
Week 35 2021 QIP Example
Long Service Leave Fact Sheet Fair Work
Risk Assessment – Pandemic Sample 03_11_21
Risk Assessment – Pandemic Sample 03_11_21 with highlights
Staffing – VIC Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter Updated Evidence
Staffing – WA Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 ACT
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 NSW
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 NT
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 QLD
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 SA
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 TAS
COVID-Safe Plan 3_11_21 WA
ACEC ad flexible training

Week 34 – 1 November 2021 – 5 November 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 34 1_11_21_4.1.1 Organisation of Educators
Educational Leader Week 34 1_11_21_4.1.1 Organisation of Educators
Group Leader and Educators_Week 34 1_11_21_4.1.1 Organisation of Educators
Partnerships with families
Week 34 2021 QIP Example
Coronavirus Policy NQF 28_10_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF 28_10_21 QLD
Coronavirus Policy NQF 28_10_21 QLD with highlights
Coronavirus Policy NQF 28_10_21 with highlights
Fact sheet compassionate leave

Week 33 – 25 October 2021 – 29 October 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 33 25_10_21_2.2.2 Incident and Emergency Management
Educational Leader Week 33 25_10_21_2.2.2 Incident and Emergency Management
Group Leader and Educators Week 33 25_10_21_2.2.2 Incident and Emergency Management
Partnerships with families
Week 33 2021 QIP Example
Coronavirus Policy NQF Victoria 21_10_21 with highlights
Coronavirus Policy NQF Victoria 21_10_21
COVID-Safe Plan VIC 21_10_21
Emergencies – Rehearsal Evaluation
Fact Sheet Annual Leave
Risk Assessment VIC- Pandemic Sample 21_10_21
Risk Assessment VIC- Pandemic Sample 21_10_21 with highlights
Staffing – ACT Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter
Staffing – NT Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter
Child Protection Advertisement

Week 32 – 18 October 2021 – 22 October 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 32_18_10_21- 2.1.3 Healthy Lifestyle
Educational Leader Week 32_18_10_21- 2.1.3 Healthy Lifestyle
Group Leader and Educators Week 32_18_10_21- 2.1.3 Healthy Lifestyle
Partnerships with families
Week 32 2021 QIP Example
Coronavirus Policy NQF NSW 14_10_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF NSW 14_10_21 with highights
COVID-Safe Plan NSW 14_10_21
COVID-Safe Plan NSW 14_10_21 with highlights
Fact Sheet Sick and Carers Leave
Risk Assessment – Risk_Benefit Activities_Experiences
Risk Assessment NSW- Pandemic Sample 14_10_21
Risk Assessment NSW- Pandemic Sample 14_10_21 with highlights
ACEC No Fee Early Childhod Traineeships

Week 31 – 11 October 2021 – 15 October 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 31_11_10_21_6.2.1 Transitions
Educational Leader Week 31_11_10_21_6.2.1 Transitions
Group Leader and Educators Week 31_11_10_21_6.2.1 Transitions
Partnerships with families
Week 31 2021 QIP Example
Staffing – VIC Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter
Casual Employment Information Statement

Week 30b Catch Up – 04 October 2021 – 08 October 2021

Week 30b 4_10_21 Catch Up OSHC
Partnerships with families
Staffing – NSW Compulsory COVID Vaccination Letter


Week 30a Catch Up – 27 September – 1 October 2021

Week 30a Catch up 27_9_21
Compliance test for educators Week 30
Partnerships with families

Week 30 – 20 September – 24 September 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 30 20_9_21_3.2.3 Environmentally Responsible
Educational Leader Week 30 20_9_21_3.2.3 Environmentally Responsible
Group Leader and Educators Week 30 20_9_21_3.2.3 Environmentally Responsible
Partnerships with families
Week 30 2021 QIP Example
Coronavirus Policy NQF 13_9_21 with highlights
Coronavirus Policy NQF 13_9_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF Victoria 13_9_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF Victoria 13_9_21 with highlights

Week 29 – 13 September – 17 September 2021

Nominated Supervisor_Week 29,_13_9_2021_7.2.3 Development of Professionals
Educational Leader_Week 29,_13_9_2021_7.2.3 Development of Professionals
Group Leader and Educators_Week 29,_13_9_2021_7.2.3 Development of Professionals
Partnerships with families
Week 29 2021 QIP Example
ACEC ad flexible training

Week 28 – 6 September – 10 September 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 28 6 September 2021- 2.2.3 Child Protection
Educational Leader Week 28 6 September 2021- 2.2.3 Child Protection
Group Leader and Educators Week 28 6 September 2021- 2.2.3 Child Protection
Partnerships with families
Partnerships with families VIC
Week 28 2021 QIP Example

Week 27 – 30 August 2021 – 3 September 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 27 30_8_21 2.1.2 Health practices and procedures
Educational Leader Week 27 30_8_21 2.1.2 Health practices and procedures
Group Leader and Educators Week 27 30_8_21 2.1.2 Health practices and procedures
Partnerships with families
Week 27 2021 QIP Example
ACEC advert for CS customers

Week 26 – 23 August 2021 – 27 August 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 26_23_August 2021_2.2.1 Supervision
Educational Leader Week 26_23_August 2021_2.2.1 Supervision
Room Leader and Educators Week 26_23_August 2021_2.2.1 Supervision
Partnerships with families
Week 26 2021 QIP Example
ACEC ad flexible training

Week 25 – 16 August 2021 – 20 August 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 25_ 16_August 2021- 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort
Educational Leader Week 25_ 16_August 2021- 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort
Room Leader and Educators Week 25_ 16_August 2021- 2.1.1 Wellbeing and comfort
Partnerships with families
Week 25 2021 QIP Example

Week 24 – 09 August 2021 – 13 August 2021

Fair Work Guide to self auditing your business
Educational Leader Week 24_9_2021_6.2.2 Access and participation
Week 24 2021 QIP Example
Partnerships with families
Nominated Supervisor Week 24_9_2021_6.2.2 Access and participation
National Workplace Relations Employer Checklist
Group Leader and Educators Week 24_9_2021_6.2.2 Access and participation

Week 23 – 02 August 2021 – 06 August 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 23_5.2.2 Self-regulation 2_8_21
Partnerships with families
Week 23 2021 QIP Example
ACEC ad flexible training
Group Leader and Educators Week 23_5.2.2 Self-regulation 2_8_21
Educational Leader Week 23_5.2.2 Self-regulation 2_8_21

Week 22 – 26 July 2021 – 30 July 2021

Coronavirus Policy NQF Victoria 22_7_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF 22_7_21
Coronavirus Policy NQF 22_7_21 with highlights
ACEC advert general
Week 22 2021 QIP Example
Partnerships with families
Nominated Supervisor Week 22 26_7_21 5.2.1 Collaborative learning
Group leader and educators Week 22 26_7_21 5.2.1 Collaborative learning
Educational Leader Week 22 26_7_21 5.2.1 Collaborative learning
Coronavirus Policy NQF Victoria 22_7_21 with highlights

Week 21 – 19 July 2021 – 23 July 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 21 5.1.2 Dignity and Rights of the Child
Partnerships with families
Week 21 2021 QIP Example
Children’s Rights Poster
UN Convention child friendly
UN Convention simplified
Group Leader and Educators Week 21 5.1.2 Dignity and Rights of the Child
Educational Leader Week 21 5.1.2 Dignity and Rights of the Child

Week 20b – 12 July 2021 – 16 July 2021

Partnerships with families
Week 20b 12_7_21 catch up week
COVID-Safe Plan NSW 6_7_21

Week 20a – 05 July 2021 – 09 July 2021

Week 20a 5_7_21
Week 20a 5_7_21
ACEC No Fee Early Childhod Traineeships
Compliance questions and answers week 20

Week 20 – 28 June 2021 – 02 July 2021

Group Leaders and Educators Week 20 28_6_21 1.3.3 Information for families
Nominated Supervisor Week 20 28_6_21 1.3.3 Information for families
Partnerships with families
Week 20 2021 QIP Example
Educational Leader Week 20 28_6_21 1.3.3 Information for families

Week 19 – 21 June 2021 – 25 June 2021

Educational Leader Week 19 21_6_1 3.1.2 Upkeep
Group Leader and Educators Week 19 21_6_1 3.1.2 Upkeep
Maintenance – Schedule
Nominated Supervisor Week 19 21_6_1 3.1.2 Upkeep
Partnerships with families
Week 19 2021 QIP Example

Week 18 – 14 June 2021 – 18 June 2021

Educational Leader Week 18 14_6_21 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose
Nominated Supervisor Week 18 14_6_21 3.1.1 Fit for Purpose
Partnerships with families
Week 18 2021 QIP Example

Week 17 – 07 June 2021 – 11 June 2021

ACECQA What is Critical Reflection
Educational Leader Week 17 4_6_21 1.3.2 Critical Reflection
Group Leader and Educator Week 17 4_6_21 1.3.2 Critical Reflection
Nominated Supervisor Week 17 4_6_21 1.3.2 Critical Reflection
Partnerships with families
Week 17 2021 QIP Example

Week 16 – 31 May 2021 – 04 June 2021

Educational Leader Week 16 31_5_21 1.3.1 Assessment and Planning Cycle
Group Leader and Educator Week 16 31_5_21 1.3.1 Assessment and Planning Cycle
Nominated Supervisor Week 16 31_5_21 1.3.1 Assessment and Planning Cycle
Partnerships with families
Ross Greenes Bill of Rights for Behaviorally Challenged Kids
Week 16 2021 QIP Example

Week 15 – 24 May 2021 – 28 May 2021

ACEC No Fee Early Childhod Traineeships
Educational Leader Week 14 24_5_21 3.2.1 Inclusive Environment
Group leaders and educators Week 14 24_5_21 3.2.1 Inclusive Environment
Nominated Supervisor Week 14 24_5_21 3.2.1 Inclusive Environment
Partnerships with Families
Week 15 2021 QIP Example

Week 14 – 17 May 2021 – 21 May 2021

Educational Leader Week 14 1.2.1 Intentional Teaching
Group Leader and Educator Week 14 1.2.1 Intentional Teaching
Nominated Supervisor Week 14 1.2.1 Intentional Teaching
Partnerships with Families
Week 14 2021 QIP Example

Week 13 – 10 May 2021 – 14 May 2021

Child Protection – Guide Traffic Lights Sexual Behaviours
COVID-Safe Plan 5_5_21 with highlights
COVID-Safe Plan 5_5_21
COVID-Safe Plan VIC 5_5_21
COVID-Safe Plan VIC 5_5_21 with highlights
Educational Leader Week 13 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding
Group Leader and Educators Week 13 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding
Nominated Supervisor Week 13 1.2.2 Responsive teaching and scaffolding
Partnerships with Families
Week 13 2021 QIP Example OSHC

Week 12 – 3 May 2021 – 7 May 2021

Educational Leader Week 12_1.2.3 Child directed learning 3_5_21
Group Leader and Educators Week 12_1.2.3 Child directed learning 3_5_21
Nominated Supervisor Week 12_1.2.3 Child directed learning 3_5_21
Partnerships with families
Week 12 2021 QIP Example OSHC

Week 11 – 26 May 2021 – 30 May 2021

Educational Leader Week 11 26_4_21 3.2.2 Resources support play-based learning
Group Leader and Educators Week 11 26_4_21 3.2.2 Resources support play-based learning
Nominated Supervisor Week 11 26_4_21 3.2.2 Resources support play-based learning
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 11 2021 QIP Example OSHC

Week 10b – 19 April 2021 – 23 April 2021

Group Leader and Educators Catch Up Week 10b 19_4_21 OSHC
Partnerships with families OSHC

Week 10a – 12 April 2021 – 16 April 2021

Partnerships with families
Week 10a 12_4_21 Catch Up Week OSHC

Week 10 – 5 April 2021 – 9 April 2021

Community – Organisations Educators
Fair Work Information Statement
Partnerships with families
Week 10 2021 QIP Example
2021 Weekly learning activities Customers
Casual Employment Information Statement

Week 9 – 29 March 2021 – 2 April 2021

Educational Leader Week 9 29_3_21 7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose
Group Leader and Educators Week 9 29_3_21 7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose
Nominated Supervisor Week 9 29_3_21 7.1.1 Service philosophy and purpose
Partnerships with families
Week 9 2021 QIP Example

Week  8 – 22 March 2021 – 26 March 2021

Community – Organisations Families
Educational Leader Week 8 6.1.3 Families are supported 22_3_21
Group Leader and Educators Week 8 6.1.3 Families are supported 22_3_21
Nominated Supervisor Week 8 6.1.3 Families are supported 22_3_21
Partnerships with families (3)
Week 8 2021 QIP Example

Week 7 – 15 March 2021 – 19 March 2021

Group Leader and Educators Week 7 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 15_3_21
Nominated Supervisor Week 7 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 15_3_21
Partnerships with families
Week 7 2021 QIP Example
Educational Leader Week 7 5.1.1 Positive educator to child interactions 15_3_21

Week 6 – 8 March 2021 – 12 March 2021

Educational Leader Week 6 1.1.1 Approved learning framework 8_3_21
Group Leader and Educators Week 6 1.1.1 Approved learning framework 8_3_21
Nominated Supervisor Week 6 1.1.1 Approved learning framework 8_3_21
Partnerships with families
Week 6 2021 QIP Example

Week 5 – 1 March 2021 – 5 March 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 5 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 1_3_21
Educational Leader Week 5 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 1_3_21
Room Leader and Educators Week 5 6.1.2 Parents views are respected 1_3_21
Partnerships with families
Week 5 2021 QIP Example
ACEC advert for CS customers

Week 4 – 22 February 2021 – 26 February 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 4, 22-26 February 2021- 1.1.2 Child-centred
Educational Leader Week 4, 22-26 February 2021- 1.1.2 Child-centred
Group Leader and Educators Week 4, 22-26 February 2021- 1.1.2 Child-centred
Partnerships with families
Week 4 2021 QIP Example
ACEC No Fee Early Childhod Traineeships

Week 3 – 15 February 2021 – 19 February 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 3 15_2_21 6.1.1 Engagement with the Service
Educational Leader Week 3 15_2_21 6.1.1 Engagement with the Service
Group Leader and Educators Week 3 15_2_21 6.1.1 Engagement with the Service
Partnerships with families
Week 3 2021 QIP Example
ACEC ad RPL.doc

Week 2 – 8 February 2021 – 12 February 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 2 8_2_21 7.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities
Educational Leader Week 2 8_2_21 7.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities
Group Leader and Educators Week 2 8_2_21 7.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities
Partnerships with families
Week 2 QIP Example
40 weeks QIP 2021
2021 Weekly learning activities

Week 1  – 1 February 2021 – 5 February 2021

Nominated Supervisor Week 1 1_2_21 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities
Educational Leader Week 1 1_2_21 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities
Group Leader and Educator Week 1 1_2_21 1.1.3 Program learning opportunities
Week 1 QIP Example
Partnerships with families

Week A Preliminary Week – 25 January 2021 – 29 January 2021

Beginning of the year checklist – Week A 2021_EducatorsBeginning of the year checklist – Week A 2021_Nominated Supervisor

Week 40  – 7 December 2020 – 11 December 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 40 Standard 6.2 Collaborative Partnerships 7_12_2020
Educational Leader Week 40 Standard 6.2 Collaborative Partnerships 7_12_2020
Group Leader and Educators Week 40 Standard 6.2 Collaborative Partnerships 7_12_2020
Partnerships with families
Partnerships with families with Whistleblower Policy
40 weeks QIP
Week 40 QIP Example
2020 Weekly Centre Support Professional Development

Week 39  – 30 November 2020 –  4 December 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 39 – 6.2.3 Community Engagement 30_11_2020
Educational Leader Week 39 – 6.2.3 Community Engagement 30_11_2020
Group Leader and Educators Week 39 – 6.2.3 Community Engagement 30_11_2020
Partnerships with families
Week 39 QIPExample

Week 38  – 23 November 2020 –  27 November 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 38 6.2.2 Access and Participation 23_11_2020
Educational Leader Week 38 6.2.2 Access and Participation 23_11_2020
Room Leader and Educators Week 38 6.2.2 Access and Participation 23_11_2020
Partnerships with families
Week 38 QIP Example
COVID-Safe Plan VIC Step 3

Week 37  – 16 November 2020 –  20 November 2020

Nominated Supervior Week 37 6.2.1 Transitions Educational Leader Week 37 6.2.1 Transitions 16_11_2020
Group Leader and Educators Week 37 6.2.1 Transitions 16_11_2020
Partnerships with families
Week 37 QIP Example 

Week 36  – 09 November 2020 –  13 November 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 36 Standard 7.1 Governance 9_11_2020
Educational Leader Week 36 Standard 7.1 Governance 9_11_2020
Room Leader and Educators Week 36 Standard 7.1 Governance 9_11_2020
Week 36 QIP Example
Partnerships with families

Week 35  – 02 November 2020 –  06 November 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 35 7.1.3 Roles and responsibilities
Educational Leader Week 35 7.1.3 Roles and responsibilities
Group Leader and Educators Week 35 7.1.3 Roles and responsibilities
Partnerships with families
Week 35 QIP Example

Week 34  – 26 October 2020 –  30 October 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 34 7.1.2 Management System 26_10_2020
Educational Leader Week 34 7.1.2 Management System 26_10_2020
Room Leader and Educators Week 34 7.1.2 Management System 26_10_2020
Partnerships with families
Week 34 QIP Example

Week 33  – 19 October 2020 –  23 October 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 33 7.1.1 Philosophy 19_10_2020
Room Leader and Educators Week 33 7.1.1 Philosophy 19_10_2020
Educational Leader Week 33 7.1.1 Philosophy 19_10_2020
Week 33 QIP Example
Partnerships with families
ACEC ad flexible training

Week 32  – 12 October 2020 –  16 October 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 32 Standard 1.1 Program 12_10_2020
Room Leader and Educators Week 32 Standard 1.1 Program 12_10_2020
Educational Leader Week 32 Standard 1.1 Program 12_10_2020
Week 32 QIP Example
Partnerships with families

Week 31  – 05 October 2020 –  09 October 2020

Educational Leader Week 31 Standard 2.2 Safety 5_10_2020
Nominated Supervisor Week 31 Standard 2.2 Safety 5_10_2020
Room Leader and Educators Week 31 Standard 2.2 Safety 5_10_2020
Week 31 QIP Example
Partnerships with families
ACEC ad flexible training
Risk Assessments – Risk Benefit Template

Week 30b  – 28 September 2020 –  2 October 2020

Partnerships with families
Week 30b 28_9_20
Week 30b 28_9_20 Educational Leader

Week 30a – 21 September 2020 – 25 September 2020

Maintenance- Check Daily OSHC
Partnerships with families
Week 30a 21_9_20

Week 30 – 14 September 2020 – 18 September 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 30 2.2.2 Incident and Emergency Management 14_9_2020
Educational Leader Week 30 2.2.2 Incident and Emergency Management 14_9_2020
Group Leader and Educators Week 30 2.2.2 Incident and Emergency Management 14_9_2020
COVID Visitor Register
COVID Staff Register
Governance – Guide Best Practice Employing Young Workers
Emergencies – Rehearsals Register (2)
Emergencies – Rehearsal Register
Emergencies – Contacts
2020 Weekly learning activities to issue
Partnerships with families
Week 30 QIP Example

Week 29 – 07 September 2020 – 11 September 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 29 7_9_2020 2.2.3 Child Protection
Educational Leader Week 29 7_9_2020 2.2.3 Child Protection
Group Leader and Educator Week 29 7_9_2020 2.2.3 Child Protection
Guide Employers Resolving Workplace Issues
NAPCAN Childrens Week 2020 tipsheet
NAPCAN Commitment Statement
NCPW2020 Collage Poster
NCPW2020 Commitment Poster
Partnerships with families
Partnerships with families VIC
Week 29 QIP Example
40 weeks QIP
2020 Weekly professional development

Week 28 – 31 August 2020 – 04 September 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 28 31_8_2020 2.2.1 Supervision
Educational Leader Week 28 31_8_2020 2.2.1 Supervision
Group Leader and Educator Week 28 31_8_2020 2.2.1 Supervision
Fair Work Information Statement
Partnerships with families
Week 28 QIP Example OSHC

Week 27 – 24 August 2020 – 28 August 2020

Educational Leader Week 27 24_8_2020 Standard 3.1
Room Leader and Educators Week 27 24_8_2020 Standard 3.1
Nominated Supervisor Week 27 24_8_2020 Standard 3.1
Partnerships with families
Week 27 QIP Example

Week 26 – 17 August 2020 – 21 August 2020

Educational Leader Week 26 17_8_2020 3.1.2 Upkeep
Group Leader and Educators Week 26 17_8_2020 3.1.2 Upkeep
Nominated Supervisor Week 26 17_8_2020 3.1.2 Upkeep
Partnerships with families
Week 26 QIP Example
Temperature check factsheet VIC
COVID-Safe Plan VIC Stage 3 Version 2
COVID-Safe Plan VIC Stage 4 Version 2
Keeping your child in child care factsheet

Week 25 – 10 August 2020 -14 August 2020

Educational Leader Week 25 10_8_2020 3.1.1 Fit for purpose
Group Leader and Educators Week 25 10_8_2020 3.1.1 Fit for purpose
Nominated Supervisor Week 25 10_8_2020 3.1.1 Fit for purpose
Partnerships with families
Week 25 QIP Example
COVID-Safe Plan All States except VIC
COVID-Safe Plan VIC Stage 3
COVID-Safe Plan VIC Stage 4

Week 24 – 03 August 2020 -07 August 2020

Educational Leader Week 24 Standards 1.2 3_8_2020
Group Leader Week 24 Standards 1.2 3_8_2020
Nominated Supervisor Week 24 Standards 1.2 3_8_2020
Partnerships with families
Week 24 QIP Example
Curriculum – Lesson Plan Template Example
Curriculum – Lesson Plan Template

Week 23 – 27 July 2020 -31 July 2020

Educational Leader Week 23 Standard 4.2 27_7_2020
Group Leader and Educators Week 23 Standard 4.2 27_7_2020
Nominated Supervisor Week 23 Standard 4.2 27_7_2020
Partnerships with families
Week 23 QIP Example
ACCS Factsheet
COVID Poster

Week 22 – 20 July 2020 -24 July 2020

Educational Leader Week 22 20_7_2020 – 4.2.2 Professional Standards
Group Leader and Educators Week 22 20_7_2020 – 4.2.2 Professional Standards
Nominated Supervisor Week 22 20_7_2020 – 4.2.2 Professional Standards
Partnerships with families
Week 22 QIP Example
National Quality Framework Policy NQF OSHC with highlights
National Quality Framework Policy NQF OSHC

Week 21 – 13 July 2020 – 17 July 2020

Nominated Supervisor Week 21 13_7_2020 4.2.1 Professional Collaboration
Educational Leader Week 21 13_7_2020 4.2.1 Professional Collaboration
Group Leader and Educators Week 21 13_7_2020 4.2.1 Professional Collaboration
Partnerships with families
Week 21 QIP Example
Coronavirus Policy NQF 10_7_20 with highlights
Coronavirus Policy NQF 10_7_20
Learning about earthworms

Week 20B – 06 July 2020 – 10 July 2020

2020 Weekly learning activities to issue
Educatioanl leader Week 20b 6_7_20
Group leader and Educators Week 20b 6_7_20
Partnerships with families
Coronavirus Policy NQF 2_7_20 with highlights
Coronavirus Policy NQF 2_7_20

Week 20A  – 29 June  2020 –  03 July 2020

Partnerships with families
Week 20a 29_6_20 OSHC

Week 20 – 22 June  2020 – 26 June 2020

Educational Leader Week 20 22_6_2020 Standard 3.2 Use
Group Leader and Educators Week 20 22_6_2020 Standard 3.2 Use
Nominated Supervisor Week 20 22_6_2020 Standard 3.2 Use
Partnerships with families
Week 20 QIP Example
Information Sheet for CCS Providers on Transition Arrangements
Information Sheet for Families on Transition Arrangements
Information Sheet How to Complete and Submit the Offer
Transition Payment Grant Template
Transition Payment Guidelines

Week 19 – 15 June  2020 – 19 June 2020

Educational Leader Week 19 15_6_2020 Element 3.2.3 Environmentally Responsible
Group Leader and Educators Week 19 15_6_2020 Element 3.2.3 Environmentally Responsible
Nominated Supervisor Week 19 15_6_2020 Element 3.2.3 Environmentally Responsible
Partnerships with families
Week 19 QIP Example
Environment – Guide Little Green Steps
CCS Rates from 13_07_20
Families end of free childcare letter

Week 18 – 8 June  2020 – 12 June 2020

Educational Leader Week 18 8_6_2020 Element 3.2.2 Resources support play based learning
Group Leader and Educators Week 18 8_6_2020 Element 3.2.2 Resources support play based learning
Nominated Supervisor Week 18 8_6_2020 Element 3.2.2 Resources support play based learning
Partnerships with Families
Week 18 QIP Example
Health and Wellbeing – Fact Sheet Rethinking Outdoor Play

Week 17 – 01 June  2020 – 05 June 2020

Educational Leader Week 17 1_5_2020 Element 3.2.1 Inclusive Environment
Nominated Supervisor Week 17 1_5_2020 Element 3.2.1 Inclusive Environment
Partnerships with Families
Week 17 QIP Example

Week 16 – 25 May 2020 – 29 May 2020

Group Leader and Educators Week 16 25_5_20 Standard 2.1 Health
Educational Leader Week 16 25_5_20 Standard 2.1 Health
Nominated Supervisor Week 16 25_5_20 Standard 2.1 Health
Partnerships with families OSHC
Week 16 QIP Example OSHC

Week 15 – 18 May 2020 – 22 May 2020

Educational Leader Week 15 18_5_20 Element 2.1.3 Healthy lifestyle
Group Leader and Educators Week 15 18_5_20 Element 2.1.3 Healthy lifestyle
Health and Wellbeing – Poster Healthy Eating Pyramid
Nominated Supervisor Week 15 18_5_20 Element 2.1.3 Healthy lifestyle
Partnerships with Families
Week 15 QIP Example
  Australian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Young People 5-17 years
Curriculum – Poster Thinking Hats De Bono

Week 14 – 11 May 2020 – 15 May 2020

Educational Leader Week 14 11_5_20 Element 2.1.2
Group Leader and Educators Week 14 11_5_20 Element 2.1.2
Nominated Supervisor Week 14 11_5_20 Element 2.1.2
Partnerships with Families
Week 14 QIP Example
Coronavirus Policy NQF 7_5_20
Coronavirus Policy NQF 7_5_20 with highlights

Week 13 – 4 May 2020 – 8 May 2020

Group Leader and Educators Week 13 4_5_20 Element 2.1.1
Educational Leader Week 13 4_5_20 Element 2.1.1
Nominated Supervisor Week 13 4_5_20 Element 2.1.1
Partnerships with families
Week 13 QIP Example OSHC
Capacity to provide education and care letter

Week 12 – 27 April 2020 –  1 May 2020

Group Leader and Educator Week 12 27_4_20 Standard 1.3
Educational Leader Week 12 27_4_20 Standard 1.3
Nominated Supervisor Week 12 27_4_20 Standard 1.3
Partnerships with families
Week 12 QIP Example OSHC
40 weeks QIP 2

Week 11 – 20 April 2020 –  24 April 2020

Partnerships with families
Week 11 QIP Example
Employsure Jobkeeper Next Steps Table
JobKeeper Advice Employee Letter
JobKeeper Application and Payment Proces

Week 10B – 13 April 2020 –  17 April 2020

Educator routine during COVID 19 period 1_4_20
Nominated Supervisor
Partnerships with families
Policy Review
Priority of Access Checklist

Week 10A – 6 April 2020 –  10 April 2020

Partnerships with families
Policy Review
Policy Review

Week 9 – 23 March 2020 –  27 March 2020

Group Leader and Educators Week 9 23_3_20 NQS 5.2.2
Educational Leader Week 9 23_3_20 NQS 5.2.2
Nominated Supervisor Week 9 23_3_20 NQS 5.2.2
Partnerships with families
Week 9 QIP OSHC Example

Week 8 – 16 March 2020 –  20 March 2020

Group Leader and Educators Week 8 16_3_20
Educational Leader Week 8 16_3_20
Nominated Supervisor Week 8 16_3_20
Partnerships with families
Week 8 QIP OSHC Example

Week 7 – 9 March 2020 –  13 March 2020

Week 7 Room Leaders and Educators 9_3_20
Week 7 Educational Leader 9_3_20
Week 7 Nominated Supervisor 9_3_20
Partnerships with families
Week 7 QIP Example OSHC

Week 6 – 2 March 2020 –  6 March 2020

Week 6 Room Leaders and Educators 2_3_20
Week 6 Educational Leader 2_3_20
Week 6 Nominated Supervisor 2_3_20
Partnerships with families
Week 6 QIP Example OSHC

Week 5 – 24 February 2020 –  28 February 2020

Week 5 Room Leaders and Educators 24_2_20
Week 5 Educational Leader 24_2_20
Week 5 Nominated Supervisor 24_2_20
Partnerships with families
Week 5 QIP Example

Week 4 – 17 February 2020 –  21 February 2020

Room Leader and Educators
Educational Leader
Nominated Supervisor
Partnerships with families
Week 4 QIP Example

Week 3 – 10 February 2020 –  14 February 2020

Room Leader and Educators Week 3 10_2_19
Educational Leader Week 3 10_2_19
Nominated Supervisor Week 3 10_2_19
Partnerships with families
Week 3 QIP Example

Week 2 – 3 February 2020 –  7 February 2020

Group Leader and Educators Week 2 3_2_2020
Educational Leader Week 2 3_2_2020
Nominated Supervisor Week 2 3_2_2020
Partnerships with families
40 weeks QIP

Week 1 – 28 January 2020 –  31 January 2020

Room Leader and Educator Week 1 28_1_2020
Educational Leader Week_1 28_1_2020
Nominated Supervisor Week_1 28_1_2020
Partnerships with families
Week 1 QIP Example

Access and Participation Nominated Supervisor
Bathroom Safety and Hygiene Nominated Supervisor
Behaviour Management Nominated Supervisor
Behaviour Management Two Nominated Supervisor
Belonging at the Service Nominated Supervisor
Child Care Subsidy (CCS) Nominated Supervisor
Child Centred Learning Nominated Supervisor
Child Protection Nominated Supervisor
Children’s Daily Lives Educators
Cleaning and Maintenance Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Collaborative Learning Children Nominated Supervisor
Collaborative Partnerships – Service Operations Nominated Supervisor
Communication Children Nominated Supervisor
Communication Families Nominated Supervisor
Community Connections Nominated Supervisor
Continuity of Care Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Continuity of Staff Nominated Supervisor
Critical Reflection Nominated Supervisor
Daily Safety Check OSHC
Dignity and Rights of Children Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Educational Leadership Nominated Supervisor
Emergency Evacuation Rehearsals Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Emergency Lockdown Rehearsals
Emergency Practices Nominated Supervisor
Engaging Families with Service Nominated Supervisor
Enrolment Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Environment Safety Check Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Environment, Resources and Equipment Nominated Supervisor
Environmental Sustainability Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Excursion Nominated Supervisor
Family Engagement with the Service Nominated Supervisor
Fire Safety Nominated Supervisor
Fit for Purpose Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Food Safety and Hygiene Cook
Food Safety and Hygiene Nominated Supervisor
Governance Nominated Supervisor
Grievance Nominated Supervisor
Hazardous Substances Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Health and Hygiene Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Health Practices and Hygiene Director OSHC
Healthy Food and Physical Activity Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Hygiene Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Inclusive Environment Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Indigenous Culture
Indoor or Outdoor Storage Nominated Supervisor
Indoor Safety Nominated Supervisor
Intentional Teaching
Interactions with Children Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Kitchen Safety Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Laundry Checklist Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Learning Documentation Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Learning Environment, Equipment and Resources Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Management Systems Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Medication Nominated Supervisor
Menu and Dietary Needs Cook
New Centre Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Nominated Supervisor Responsibilities Service Operations OSHC
Nominated Supervisor Responsibilities
Organisation of Educators Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Outdoor Safety Nominated Supervisor
Partnerships with Families Nominated Supervisor
Philosophy Director OSHC
Physical Activity Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Professional Collaboration Nominated Supervisor
Professional Development Nominated Supervisor
Professional Standards Nominated Supervisor
Program Information For Families Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Quality Improvement Plan Nominated Supervisor
Records and Privacy Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Resources Support Play-based Learning Nominated Supervisor
Roles and Responsibilities Nominated Supervisor
Self-regulation Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Sleep and Rest Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Standard 1.2 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 1.3 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 2.1 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 3.1 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 3.2 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 4.2 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 5.1 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 5.2 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Standard 6.1 Exceeding Themes Nominated Supervisor
Supervision Nominated Supervisor
Supervision and Reasonable Precautions Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Teamwork Nominated Supervisor
Toilet Safety and Hygiene Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Transitions Nominated Supervisor OSHC
Trusting Relationships Nominated Supervisor
Wellbeing and Comfort Nominated Supervisor OSHC[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]